Reply me Jesus

Good morning Dear Jesus,

Please give me the grace to read your replies and all your letters to me, Jesus. I’m not able to read your messages and replies; please give me your Holy Spirit to read your messages, your kisses and all your love.

Love you Jesus. Waiting to hear from you. Thank you for all your letters, your hugs; and i need more and more and more of your love.

Love you my love Jesus. Only you can make my soul and spirit satisfied. I give you my breath in return, every breath i take is for you. Please do not let me go away from you, even if i astray; please pull be back and hug me tightly; I’m an unworthy sinner; but you are worthy of it all and most merciful.

Abba, i prostrate before you in totality. Have your way in me. Use me for your glory. (Sorry Jesus, i m asking for favor here). In short, i only need your love and want to be with you always. Your presence is all that my heart longs for!

Love you my sweet heart Jesus. Have a best day!

Jesusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! Miss you a lot!

Everything is for God

All the gifts, talents, praises, successes, people, happiness, victory, confidence, bravery, all the goods, charity, strength etc everything and in everything that is good belongs to God.

I surrender all my weaknesses, pride, ego, hardness of the heart, laziness, money etc to God.

By the love of Jesus, I am saved. Jesus has come for us to save us and get us back to God, to be with God, in God and for God.

Thank you Jesus for Loving us.

33 Days to Morning Glory~ A Do-It-Yourself Retreat In Preparation for Marian Consecration by Fr. Michael Gaitley



One of the best retreat you can do it on your own. Its very inspiring and wonderful way to consecrate to Mary and walk with Mother of God on our journey to Jesus. Highly recommended.

Entire podcasts can be found here: Listen to podcasts – 33 days to Morning Glory


Day 1
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Day 4
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Day 33
Day 34
Day 35


Eucharistic Miracle – The parish church of Saint Anthony of Sokółka, 2008


Where: The parish church of Saint Anthony of Sokółka

When: 12 October 2008

What Happened: A consecrated host accidently fell to the ground during Mass and, when the priest noticed it, he believed it was dirty and so placed it in a vasculum (a small container filled with water) to dissolve it and get rid of a dirty host in the proper manner. Later, when it was brought out again, although it was partially dissolved it was still there and what was thought to be ‘dirt’ at a passing glance was in fact what at looked like a blood clot. Intense study followed and two scientists of global fame and specialists in pathological anatomy at the Medical University of Białystok were called in to lead the investigation, Professor Maria Elżbieta Sobaniec-Łotowska and Professor Stanisław Sulkowski. These two scientists studied the ‘blood clot’ independent of each other and made use of the most modern optical microscopes and the transmission electronic microscope. To further ensure no bias in the study, Professor Sulkowski was not informed that the sample which he was examining came from a host. Despite this, both scientists reached the same conclusion: the sample examined was neither a clot, nor blood… it was a human cardiac muscle tissue (heart tissue) and was still alive. The details of the heart’s condition are the same as those we’ve mentioned earlier, but the most incredible thing about this study was that, due to the advanced nature of the equipment they used, they were able to observe that the cardiac tissue was joined to the consecrated host in an inseparable manner. There is no scientific explanation for this; they penetrated each other, as if a fragment of ‘bread’ had suddenly transformed itself into ‘body’. It is not possible to manipulate an event of this type. No one, absolutely no one, would have been able to do it. “Even the scientists of NASA, who have at their disposal the most modern analytical techniques, would not be able to artificially recreate such a thing” affirmed Professor Sobaniec-Łotowska.

Eucharistic Miracle – The Marian Shrine of Finca Betania in Cúa


Where: The Marian Shrine of Finca Betania in Cúa

When: 8 December 1991

What Happened: The priest had just divided the big host into four parts and consumed one of those pieces, as is normal in the Mass. When he placed the remaining pieces back on the paten (the plate the host is kept on) he noticed that one of the pieces now had a red spot and from it a red substance was coming out, similar to the manner in which blood escapes from a wound, the numerous pilgrims who were there immediately verified the blood did not come from the priest. The host continues to produce fresh blood and the then-Bishop of Los Teques requested a series of studies to test the Eucharist’s miraculous appearance. The host was analysed by 500 commissions of the World Health Organization and it was confirmed that the blood of the priest did not match that of the Eucharist. The studies, like before, showed that the blood came from inside the host and matched that of other Eucharistic miracles, it again being AB positive and from a living heart. It is possible to go and see the miraculous host all days of the year at any hour in the convent of the Augustianian Recollects Nuns of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Los Teques.

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