Perpetual Chastity! What is in it for me?

Its 08/Jan/2017, at 12:59 am. I was reading about God and Spirituality.

I have a thought and a challenge in my mind!

What if i adopt “Perpetual Chastity”?
What if i embrace “Chastity” for the love of God?
What if i sacrifice lust and embrace “Chastity”, without knowing my what are the fruits or benefits i get by doing so? Why should i do it? What if i don’t get to meet God personally for embracing chastity?
Will anyone really care about me adopting chastity?

I know for sure, there have been people in the past who have adopted chastity. Priests and sisters embrace it.
But i am ex married, and my current state 🙂 (I want to delete this line, but i will still keep it. Because i am going to laugh about it in future, for the love of God is saving me, will save me and has saved me)

Yes, what if i take up this challenge and adopt and embrace chastity, just for the love of God. That Jesus came down for us, lived among us, and has risen.
He has showed me HIS presence, and the power of the Holy Spirit during CER #54.
What if i just thirst for his presence and don’t expect to receive it and continue to love him with out any expectation and sacrifice my lust for HIM, just for HIM.

What i will get by doing this?
1. HOPE – One day my sacrifice will be acknowledged and will receive HIS love.
2. SACRIFICE for LOVE of Jesus. As i am not happy with the love that i get from this world, and only the love of Jesus can satisfy me and makes me happy. The tears from my eyes and the thirst for HIM is a joy for me.
3. Free from despondency.
4. Keep your body holy.

What i will miss?
1. Short term pleasure. Lust.
2. Like others who enjoy basking, and love the body and lust and seek short term pleasure.
3. Dominance
4. Proud and command over other during sex

Is it worth the despondency to get the pleasure from lust and sex?
Is it more worthwhile than the love of Jesus?
Is it going to give food for my soul and spirit?
Is it going to give me long term happiness?
Is it going to help me when Jesus asks me, what have you done for me?
Is it going to make me proud when i die tomorrow?
Is it going to make me support me or testify me on the judgement day?

Answer: Nothing nothing at all! Then why should i fall for lust and sin.

Why can’t i fight the moments of battle to embrace chastity?

Perpetual Chastity is one of the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit. I love Holy Spirit. I thirst for HIM to bring me to Jesus. I will have to show my love for HIM through my chastity and by embracing it.
Yes, i wont get the short term pleasure. But its ok. I can let this pleasure go for HIM.
Why for Holy Spirit?
1. Because, HOLY SPIRIT will make me CHILD OF GOD.
2. Will immerse me in the love of JESUS. And bring me close to my love Jesus.
3. I personally love and long for HOLY SPIRIT.
4. I know HE EXISTS, and I believe in HIM.
5. Yes, i will give my life, body and soul to God. Its ok, i let go my personal pleasure, pride and myself for the belief and faith that there exists one above ALL. That is God.

Yes, this is why i should let go of my lust and fight for Jesus.

Jesus, for me to embrace Chastity. I need your help, i cannot do this without you. I need your love, all your love, all your rejected love to redeem my soul to God. Please, please do not let me go away from you.

Mother Mary, please hold my hands and make me aware of your presence, so that i commit and offer my reverence and realize the presence of Mother of God.

Mother Mary, bless me; Holy Spirit give me the grace to experience Jesus through the Holy Eucharist and bless me and make me attend mass daily.

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