Reply me Jesus

Good morning Dear Jesus,

Please give me the grace to read your replies and all your letters to me, Jesus. I’m not able to read your messages and replies; please give me your Holy Spirit to read your messages, your kisses and all your love.

Love you Jesus. Waiting to hear from you. Thank you for all your letters, your hugs; and i need more and more and more of your love.

Love you my love Jesus. Only you can make my soul and spirit satisfied. I give you my breath in return, every breath i take is for you. Please do not let me go away from you, even if i astray; please pull be back and hug me tightly; I’m an unworthy sinner; but you are worthy of it all and most merciful.

Abba, i prostrate before you in totality. Have your way in me. Use me for your glory. (Sorry Jesus, i m asking for favor here). In short, i only need your love and want to be with you always. Your presence is all that my heart longs for!

Love you my sweet heart Jesus. Have a best day!

Jesusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! Miss you a lot!

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