The transfiguration of Jesus

The Transfiguration of Jesus. I was reflecting on our cell’s talk,
1. Why did Moses & Elijah appeared to Jesus?

This is was the testimony by the great prophets that they were all talking about Jesus, the beloved Son of God. And he will come to save us all. They appeared to Jesus when God spoke, was for us (many many years after this incident) to believe and trust only in Jesus and all the prophets before were speaking only of HIM.
2. Fear

This is a beautiful situation where the Holy trinity was present at the same time. The Holy trinity is always united.

God the Father (Voice)

Jesus the love of God

Holy Spirit and HIS charisms.
The mount was cleansed and made Holy by the Holy Spirit, the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, reverence and fear of God overshadowed them.
3. Message

For us to believe and trust only in Jesus alone. For he who listens to him, believes in him and his passion, death & resurrection will be saved.

Jesus always comes to our rescue. He always tells us do not be afraid when HE is there with us. (Also evident from the parables where his disciples were threatened by the winds, when they were on the boat and were afraid)

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