Why we face resistance to read Bible?

1. Bible is the word of God.
2. God created this world by HIS word.
3. Jesus is the word of God. (The word was made flesh and dwelt among us.)

When we read and reflect on HIS word, the word enters in us, takes root and God works in us.

But, the evil does not like this and attacks us with sloth and laziness to counter this.

Jesus give us your love, to overcome this force of evil. So that we overcome this evil attack with your strength, Jesus. And love Jesus in all our weaknesses.

Catholic reminders 

*A Reminder of Lists Every Catholic Should be Familiar With:*
*The 7 Sacraments (The Holy Mysteries):*

1. Baptism

2. Confirmation (Chrismation)

3. Eucharist

4. Penance (Confession, Reconciliation)

5. Matrimony

6. Holy Orders

7. Extreme Unction (Annointing of the Sick

*The 7 Corporal Works of Mercy:*

1. To feed the hungry

2. To give drink to the thirsty

3. To clothe the naked

4. To shelter the homeless

5. To visit the sick

6. To visit the imprisoned

7. To bury the dead

*The 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy:*

1. To counsel the doubtful

2. To instruct the ignorant

3. To admonish the sinner

4. To comfort the sorrowful

5. To forgive all injuries

6. To bear wrongs patiently

7. To pray for the living and the dead

Continue reading “Catholic reminders “

Why Spiritual Journals?

Journal writing Have you guys been writing journals or blogs? If not have you considered one. 
Why Spiritual Journal?
1. Write every beautiful experiences that you have had during any retreats.  This will help us get back and remind our goals. 

2. Write down every beautiful thing that our Lord Jesus has done for you and around you. 

3. When in difficulty or in temptations, scroll through the pages of your journals. You might find tears in your eyes. 

4. Every time you experience HIS love or have love letters to Jesus, write them down. 

5. Let this be personal, just between you and God who created you. 

6. It may make you think of Jesus and might drive you in HIS presence. 

7. Every time you visit blessed sacrament, your experience may be different. Good to jot them and reflect. 

8. It may help you in your discernment. 
Many many more. In simple start your love letters to Jesus lah. 
Further reading


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