God appears before us?

Do you think God appears before us and then disappears rest of the times? Is this world so big to hide us from God or to be us far from God?

The reality is, we disappear from God when we move our thoughts away from HIM, we disappear from God through our free will to be in our own little bubble world. We appear before God when we want to and through our own will to seek HIM or to realize HIS presence.

But, God is always there watching us, He never disappears to appear again. He is constantly watching us, waiting for us and within us.

It’s we who have to appear before God.

Prayer to my Lord Jesus – 1

Dear Jesus Christ,

You said, “Ask and you shall receive”; I ask for the grace to hear you Lord.

You said, “Seek and you shall find”; I seek for the grace to find you Lord.

You said, “Knock and it shall be opened unto you”, I knock at the door of your sacred heart to let me in and stay in your precious heart for eternity.

I make this little prayer through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of Jesus; and through the promptings of the Holy Spirit of God.

Amen 🙏

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